Head: MUDr. Vladimíra Lipšová
267 082 759
267 082 657
The Centre for Occupational Health (CHPPL) consists of four departments with 7 National Reference Offices. The Centre deals with the study of the influence of occupation and work environments on health. It secures the activities of the National Institute of Public Health (NIPH) in the field of occupational health protection for state administration (Ministries, regional public health stations), health institutions, business entities and other interested parties. Specific tasks are primarily based on the requirements of the statutes of NIPH and the Ministry of Health (MH). The activities of the NIPH are formulated in Act No. 258/2000 Coll., as amended.
Description of the center's activities
Preparation of documents for national health policy, comprising expertise and professional and legislative activity for the Ministry of Health and other state administration bodies.
CHPPL participates in the preparation of legislation, standard-setting activities and coordination of Czech and EU legislation as related to the issues of health protection at work and chemical safety.
Preparation of documents for assessment and management of health risks. Methodological and reference work. Monitoring population health status. CHPPL is responsible for subsystem VII: “Health risks of work conditions and their consequences”.
Management and participation in the activities of selected health registers. Research into the relationship between health, work and living conditions. Organisation of national programmes for the protection and promotion of health in the workplace.
International cooperation and participation in the activities of international organisations. Participation in the activities of domestic organisations.
Participation in undergraduate and graduate education. The NIPH is an accredited workplace for postgraduate training of doctors in the field of occupational medicine; CHPPL professionals act as guarantors and trainers in this system. CHPPL also organises its own educational events and also participates in events organised by NIPH and other educational institutions such as IPVZ, NCONZO and others for education of medical and non-medical health workers, and other non-medical workers, in the fields of occupational health protection and promotion, occupational hygiene, occupational medicine and management of chemicals.
Professional services provided: measurement of selected factors of the work environment based on accreditation granted by the Czech Institute for Accreditation (CIA) as well as expert examination, consultation, advisory and specialised activities in the field of public health protection. Also, providing occupational medicine and other health services at the occupational medicine office, including performance of specialised functional examinations for diagnostic and preventive purposes.