Head: prof. MVDr. Jiří Ruprich, CSc.
515 577 514
602 245 606
515 577 511
Address: Palackého 3a, 612 42 Brno
The work of the Centre for Health, Nutrition and Food (CZVP) is to conduct specialised tasks for the Ministry of Health (MH) which also include issues managed by other ministries, particularly agriculture (food production and processing), industry (food trade) and the environment (attitude to the environment and sustainability). The Centre also works with the general public in the Czech Republic. Greater attention to nutrition and food by health organisations was recommended by WHO (Alma-Ata, 1978) as an effective way of primary prevention of health problems. The various departments of the Centre comprise chemical laboratories accredited according to ČSN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018 norms and specialist teams that interpret results. The activities of the Centre are separated from the performance of control activities, in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 178/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council. The individual departments also provide scientific support to the Public Health Protection Authorities (OOVZ) in the following areas:
(1) health risk assessment associated with dietary exposure and food and nutrition safety
(2) selected topics on the relationship between nutrition and health related to legislation (applied nutrition)
(3) communication with the public, professional organisations, and media at home and abroad including the EU, WHO/FAO, OECD, and other international organisations.
Centre structure
Department of Food Safety Analysis
Department of Health Risk Assessment and Applied Nutrition
Description of the Centre's activities
Preparation of documents for MH in the field of public health promotion
– For national and regional health policy
– For international tasks and activities
– For legislative activities
– Materials for administrative tasks
Activities on behalf of the Ministry of Health in the field of food safety and nutrition
– Methodological activities in the field of public health protection in relation to applied nutrition and food
– Health risk assessment
– Guarantee of a monitoring and research facility for the assessment of dietary exposure of the population of the Czech Republic
– Expert and technical support for the Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed – RASFF
– Expert and technical support for the WHO food safety system – INFOSAN
– Maintenance of national databases with the assessment of risks from dietary exposure (e.g. food consumption, occurrence of chemicals in food, etc.)
– Health authorisation of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in food
– Support for standardisation and standard-setting activities in public health protection
– Reference activities for GMO issues
– Reference activities on microscopic fungi and mycotoxins
– Education of the public on nutrition and food
Participation in EU tasks and structures in the field of food safety and nutrition
– Participation in EC working groups on food and nutrition safety
– Expert support in the harmonisation of food and nutrition safety regulations with the EU
– Research activities in cooperation with other EU countries – grants and tenders
– Research activities in the fields of healthy lifestyle and prevention of chronic low-grade inflammation
The Centre‘s own activities
– Management of the Dietary Exposure Assessment project and Environmental Health Monitoring System in the Czech Republic – sampling, analyses, data collection, processing and interpretation
– Daily expert and technical support for RASFF, INFOSAN, PNT, and GMO systems
– Research in areas of the Centre‘s expertise – nutritional epidemiology, health risk assessment, development of new instruments for practice
– Methodological and reference activities
– Undergraduate and postgraduate education
– Publication activities
Conceptual support for protection and promotion of public health
– Supporting the development and implementation of food safety and nutrition strategies
– International cooperation with EU institutions (EFSA, ECDC, etc.), OECD, WHO and other international organisations
– Support for programmes at a regional level – consultation, advice