Department of Occupational Medicine
Head: MUDr. Vladimíra Lipšová
Contact: phone: 267 082 683, e-mail:
Department activities:
- Preparation of data and documents for the national health policy in the field of occupational medicine, occupational diseases and OHS – participation in legislative, standard-setting activities and in harmonization of Czech regulations with the EU
- Reference activities in the field of occupational physiology and psychology
- Maintenance of the National Occupational Diseases Register; through the Institute of Health Information and Statistics, these data are forwarded to the National Health Information System, EUROSTAT, WHO and ILO
- Preparation of data/documents and expert opinions for decisions of the Ministry of Health in administrative proceedings on occupational diseases, participation in the Appeal Committee of the Ministry of Health for occupational diseases
- Consultation activities on occupational health care issues requested by the Division of Health Protection and Promotion, OHS authorities and for the public
- Involvement in undergraduate and postgraduate teaching in occupational medicine (educational activities in the field of occupational health care, physiology and psychology of work and selected factors of the working environment under the accreditation by the Ministry of Health). The staff of the department organize and participate in events organised by the National Institute of Public Health (NIPH) and other institutions. The NIPH is an accredited postgraduate training institute in the field of occupational medicine
- Activities within the Standing Committee on Social and Health Issues of the Government Council for Occupational Health and Safety
- Research activities are focused on monitoring and research into the relationship between the working environment and health, especially in the field of musculoskeletal diseases (MSDs), occupational exposure to factors affecting the respiratory system (e.g. the issue of occupational bronchial asthma during exposure to selected occupational allergens, the issue of asbestos exposure) and the nervous system
- Participation in international collaboration in areas related to occupational medicine and occupational diseases (projects within the WHO Collaborating Center in Occupational Health Global Work Plan, participation in the implementation of the EUROSTAT/EODS system in the Czech Republic).
- Expertise in the field of occupational physiology and psychology and occupational medicine
- Preparation of forensic and expert opinions in the field of occupational medicine and occupational diseases
- Provision of occupational preventive care to contractors. The department also provides occupational health services.
- Specialised functional examinations for diagnostic and preventive purposes:
–lung function tests (spirometry, body plethysmography, diffusing capacity of the lung, pulmonary compliance, bronchodilator and non-specific bronchoprovocation tests). The department runs a laboratory for pulmonary functional diagnostics.
– function tests of examination of upper limb blood vessels (cold test and finger plethysmography).
– measurement of total physical load and local muscle load (integrated electromyography)
– tests to assess mental and visual stress
The department includes:
- National Reference Point for Occupational Physiology and Psychophysiology
- Occupational health provider
- Register of occupational diseases