Centre of Toxicology and Health Safety

NRC for Cosmetics

Head: Dagmar Jírová, M.D., Ph.D.

Phone: +420 267 082 522
Email: dagmar.jirova@szu.gov.cz, kosmetika@szu.gov.cz


Secretariat: Milada Sellnerová, Ivana Havlíková

Phone: +420 267 082 439
Email: milada.sellnerova@szu.gov.cz, ivana.havlikova@szu.gov.cz


The National Reference Centre (NRC) for Cosmetics represents a facility specialized in cosmetology, cosmetic chemistry and experimental and clinical toxicology. It carries out research, reference and expert activities, develops and implements testing methods for cosmetic products and other consumer products.

The centre performs laboratory, instrumental and clinical tests to verify the safety and claimed efficacy of cosmetic products. It identifies specific functions of active and protective ingredients that are incorporated in cosmetic products with the aim to protect and promote health. It consistently implements and conducts biological testing using alternative in vitro tissue culture methods as a replacement of conventional in vivo animal methods. The department is accredited by the Czech Institute for Accreditation as a testing laboratory according to ISO/IEC 17025.

The centre provides methodological guidance to the professional personnel of public health authorities and is involved in the development of legislation in the field of cosmetic products. NRC members represent the Czech Republic in working groups of the European Union and the Council of Europe.


More information and references

Department for Special Food Types and Microbiology of Consumer Products

Department of Alternative Toxicological Methods

Department of Biomedicine

National Reference Laboratory for Experimental Immunotoxicology