NRP for Exposure to Organic Chemicals
The NRP provides consultations on inquiries that are made by phone, in writing, or in person, particularly concerning the estimation of toxicity through calculation or from the results of alternative testing methods. The work is focused especially on the specific use of computational methods for hazard estimation and subsequently on risk estimation through calculation using validated computer programs, particularly the QSAR TOOLBOX program, which enables the construction and validation of QSAR models, trend models, and read-across analysis. The NPR is represented on the Risk Assessment Committee (RAC), which is part of the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), dealing with the harmonized classification, authorization, and restriction of chemicals and preparations in the European Union.
The NRP collaborates with the NRC for industrial chemicals and preparations and is involved in the activities of the expert group for the validation of QSAR models for legislative use within the OECD and JRC EC.