Národní referenční laboratoř pro antibiotika


Články s tématikou rezistence bakterií na antibiotika publikované pracovníky NRL pro antibiotika.


  • Malisova L, Vrbova I, Pomorska K, Jakubu V, Zemlickova H. In Vitro Activity of Cefiderocol Against Carbapenem-Resistant Enterobacterales and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Microb Drug Resist. 2023 Oct;29(10):485-491. doi: 10.1089/mdr.2023.0090. Epub 2023 Aug 22. PMID: 37610876; PMCID: PMC10611972.
  • Zelendova M, Papagiannitsis CC, Sismova P, Medvecky M, Pomorska K, Palkovicova J, Nesporova K, Jakubu V, Jamborova I, Zemlickova H, Dolejska M; Working Group for Monitoring of Antibiotic Resistance. Plasmid-mediated colistin resistance among human clinical Enterobacterales isolates: national surveillance in the Czech Republic. Front Microbiol. 2023 Apr 27;14:1147846. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2023.1147846. PMID: 37180238; PMCID: PMC10174314.
  • Bitar I, Papagiannitsis CC, Kraftova L, Marchetti VM, Petinaki E, Finianos M, Chudejova K, Zemlickova H, Hrabak J. Implication of different replicons in the spread of the VIM-1-encoding integron, In110, in Enterobacterales from Czech hospitals. Front Microbiol. 2023 Jan 4;13:993240. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2022.993240. PMID: 36687644; PMCID: PMC9845580.


  • Peñalva G, Crespo-Robledo P, Molvik M, López-Navas A, Kacelnik O, Cisneros JM; EU-JAMRAI WP7.4.1 group. A step forward in antibiotic use and resistance monitoring: a quarterly surveillance system pilot in 11 European Union/European Economic Area countries, September 2017 to May 2020. Euro Surveill. 2022 Nov;27(46):2200082. doi: 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2022.27.46.2200082. PMID: 36398580; PMCID: PMC9673239.
  • Kinross P, Gagliotti C, Merk H, Plachouras D, Monnet DL, Högberg LD; EARS-Net Study Group; EARS-Net Study Group participants. Large increase in bloodstream infections with carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter species during the first 2 years of the COVID-19 pandemic, EU/EEA, 2020 and 2021. Euro Surveill. 2022 Nov;27(46):2200845. doi: 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2022.27.46.2200845. PMID: 36398574; PMCID: PMC9673235.
  • Day MJ, Jacobsson S, Spiteri G, Kulishev C, Sajedi N, Woodford N, Blumel B, van der Werf MJ, Amato-Gauci AJ, Unemo M, Cole MJ; Euro-GASP network. Significant increase in azithromycin “resistance” and susceptibility to ceftriaxone and cefixime in Neisseria gonorrhoeae isolates in 26 European countries, 2019. BMC Infect Dis. 2022 Jun 7;22(1):524. doi: 10.1186/s12879-022-07509-w. PMID: 35672671; PMCID: PMC9171984.
  • Sánchez-Busó L, Cole MJ, Spiteri G, Day M, Jacobsson S, Golparian D, Sajedi N, Yeats CA, Abudahab K, Underwood A, Bluemel B, Aanensen DM, Unemo M; Centre for Genomic Pathogen Surveillance and the Euro-GASP study group. Europe-wide expansion and eradication of multidrug-resistant Neisseria gonorrhoeae lineages: a genomic surveillance study. Lancet Microbe. 2022 Jun;3(6):e452-e463. doi: 10.1016/S2666-5247(22)00044-1. Epub 2022 May 10. PMID: 35659907.
  • Baede VO, David MZ, Andrasevic AT, Blanc DS, Borg M, Brennan G, Catry B, Chabaud A, Empel J, Enger H, Hallin M, Ivanova M, Kronenberg A, Kuntaman K, Larsen AR, Latour K, Lindsay JA, Pichon B, Santosaningsih D, Schouls LM, Vandenesch F, Werner G, Żabicka D, Žemličková H, Seifert H, Vos MC; MRSA Surveillance Worldwide Study Group (ISAC), the ESCMID Study Group for Nosocomial Infections (ESGNI), the ESCMID Study Group for Staphylococci and Staphylococcal Diseases (ESGS). MRSA surveillance programmes worldwide: moving towards a harmonised international approach. Int J Antimicrob Agents. 2022 Mar;59(3):106538. doi: 10.1016/j.ijantimicag.2022.106538. Epub 2022 Jan 26. PMID: 35091055.
  • Mader R; EU-JAMRAI; Bourély C, Amat JP, Broens EM, Busani L, Callens B, Crespo-Robledo P, Damborg P, Filippitzi ME, Fitzgerald W, Grönthal T, Haenni M, Heuvelink A, van Hout J, Kaspar H, Muñoz Madero C, Norström M, Pedersen K, Pokludova L, Dal Pozzo F, Slowey R, Urdahl AM, Vatopoulos A, Zafeiridis C, Madec JY. Defining the scope of the European Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance network in Veterinary medicine (EARS-Vet): a bottom-up and One Health approach. J Antimicrob Chemother. 2022 Feb 23;77(3):816-826. doi: 10.1093/jac/dkab462. PMID: 35022739; PMCID: PMC8864999.


  • Jakubu V, Malisova L, Musilek M, Pomorska K, Zemlickova H. Characterization of Haemophilus influenzae Strains with Non-Enzymatic Resistance to β-Lactam Antibiotics Caused by Mutations in the PBP3 Gene in the Czech Republic in 2010-2018. Life (Basel). 2021 Nov 18;11(11):1260. doi: 10.3390/life11111260. PMID: 34833138; PMCID: PMC8624647.
  • Gagliotti C, Högberg LD, Billström H, Eckmanns T, Giske CG, Heuer OE, Jarlier V, Kahlmeter G, Lo Fo Wong D, Monen J, Murchan S, Simonsen GS, Šubelj M, Andrašević AT, Żabicka D, Žemličková H, Monnet DL; EARS-Net study group participants. Staphylococcus aureus bloodstream infections: diverging trends of meticillin-resistant and meticillin-susceptible isolates, EU/EEA, 2005 to 2018. Euro Surveill. 2021 Nov;26(46):2002094. doi: 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2021.26.46.2002094. PMID: 34794536; PMCID: PMC8603406.
  • Kraftova L, Finianos M, Studentova V, Chudejova K, Jakubu V, Zemlickova H, Papagiannitsis CC, Bitar I, Hrabak J. Evidence of an epidemic spread of KPC-producing Enterobacterales in Czech hospitals. Sci Rep. 2021 Aug 3;11(1):15732. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-95285-z. PMID: 34344951; PMCID: PMC8333104.
  • Pomorska K, Jakubu V, Malisova L, Fridrichova M, Musilek M, Zemlickova H. Antibiotic Resistance, spa Typing and Clonal Analysis of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) Isolates from Blood of Patients Hospitalized in the Czech Republic. Antibiotics (Basel). 2021 Apr 6;10(4):395. doi: 10.3390/antibiotics10040395. PMID: 33917471; PMCID: PMC8067498.
  • Jacobsson S, Cole MJ, Spiteri G, Day M, Unemo M; Euro-GASP Network. Associations between antimicrobial susceptibility/resistance of Neisseria gonorrhoeae isolates in European Union/European Economic Area and patients’ gender, sexual orientation and anatomical site of infection, 2009-2016. BMC Infect Dis. 2021 Mar 18;21(1):273. doi: 10.1186/s12879-021-05931-0. PMID: 33736608; PMCID: PMC7976712.
  • Mališová L, Jakubů V, Pomorská K, Musílek M, Žemličková H. Spread of Linezolid-Resistant Enterococcus spp. in Human Clinical Isolates in the Czech Republic. Antibiotics (Basel). 2021 Feb 22;10(2):219. doi: 10.3390/antibiotics10020219. PMID: 33671753; PMCID: PMC7927076.


  • Lötsch F, Albiger B, Monnet DL, Struelens MJ, Seifert H, Kohlenberg A; European Antimicrobial Resistance Genes Surveillance Network (EURGen-Net) carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii capacity survey group; EURGen-Net carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii capacity survey group. Epidemiological situation, laboratory capacity and preparedness for carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii in Europe, 2019. Euro Surveill. 2020 Nov;25(45):2001735. doi: 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2020.25.45.2001735. PMID: 33183407; PMCID: PMC7667627.
  • David S, Cohen V, Reuter S, Sheppard AE, Giani T, Parkhill J; European Survey of Carbapenemase-Producing Enterobacteriaceae (EuSCAPE) Working Group; ESCMID Study Group for Epidemiological Markers (ESGEM); Rossolini GM, Feil EJ, Grundmann H, Aanensen DM. Integrated chromosomal and plasmid sequence analyses reveal diverse modes of carbapenemase gene spread among Klebsiella pneumoniae. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2020 Oct 6;117(40):25043-25054. doi: 10.1073/pnas.2003407117. Epub 2020 Sep 23. PMID: 32968015; PMCID: PMC7587227.
  • Spanelova P, Jakubu V, Malisova L, Musilek M, Kozakova J, Papagiannitsis CC, Bitar I, Hrabak J, Pantosti A, Del Grosso M, Zemlickova H. Whole genome sequencing of macrolide resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae serotype 19A sequence type 416. BMC Microbiol. 2020 Jul 25;20(1):224. doi: 10.1186/s12866-020-01909-1. PMID: 32711478; PMCID: PMC7382794.
  • Paskova V, Chudejova K, Sramkova A, Kraftova L, Jakubu V, Petinaki EA, Zemlickova H, Neradova K, Papagiannitsis CC, Hrabak J. Insufficient repeatability and reproducibility of MALDI-TOF MS-based identification of MRSA. Folia Microbiol (Praha). 2020 Oct;65(5):895-900. doi: 10.1007/s12223-020-00799-0. Epub 2020 Jul 2. PMID: 32613406.
  • Neradova K, Fridrichova M, Jakubu V, Pomorska K, Zemlickova H. Epidemiological characteristics of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus isolates from bloodstream cultures at University Hospital in the Czech Republic. Folia Microbiol (Praha). 2020 Jun;65(3):615-622. doi: 10.1007/s12223-020-00782-9. Epub 2020 Mar 14. PMID: 32172504; PMCID: PMC7244601.
  • Mališová L, Jakubů V, Musílek M, Kekláková J, Žemličková H. Phenotype and Genotype Characteristics of Staphylococcus aureus Resistant to Methicillin/Oxacillin Carrying Gene mecC in the Czech Republic from 2002 to 2017. Microb Drug Resist. 2020 Aug;26(8):918-923. doi: 10.1089/mdr.2019.0319. Epub 2020 Feb 24. PMID: 32091955; PMCID: PMC7414799.
  • Neradova K, Jakubu V, Pomorska K, Zemlickova H. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in veterinary professionals in 2017 in the Czech Republic. BMC Vet Res. 2020 Jan 6;16(1):4. doi: 10.1186/s12917-019-2223-z. PMID: 31906922; PMCID: PMC6945690.
  • Zemlickova H, Jakubu V, Fridrichova M, Malisova L, Martin Musilek, Trojanek M. The association of pili with the emergence and replacement of the major antibiotic resistant pneumococcal clones. J Microbiol Immunol Infect. 2020 Oct;53(5):690-695. doi: 10.1016/j.jmii.2019.03.007. Epub 2019 Apr 11. PMID: 31010747.


  • Jarlier V, Diaz Högberg L, Heuer OE, Campos J, Eckmanns T, Giske CG, Grundmann H, Johnson AP, Kahlmeter G, Monen J, Pantosti A, Rossolini GM, van de Sande-Bruinsma N, Vatopoulos A, Żabicka D, Žemličková H, Monnet DL, Simonsen GS; EARS-Net participants. Strong correlation between the rates of intrinsically antibiotic-resistant species and the rates of acquired resistance in Gram-negative species causing bacteraemia, EU/EEA, 2016. Euro Surveill. 2019 Aug;24(33):1800538. doi: 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2019.24.33.1800538. PMID: 31431208; PMCID: PMC6702794.
  • Mališová L, Urbášková P, Jakubů V, Španělová P, Kozáková J, Musílek M, Žemličková H. Surveillance of antibiotic resistance of Streptococcus pneumoniae in the Czech Republic, respiratory study results, 2010-2017. Epidemiol Mikrobiol Imunol. 2019 Spring;68(2):75-81. English. PMID: 31398980.
  • David S, Reuter S, Harris SR, Glasner C, Feltwell T, Argimon S, Abudahab K, Goater R, Giani T, Errico G, Aspbury M, Sjunnebo S; EuSCAPE Working Group; ESGEM Study Group; Feil EJ, Rossolini GM, Aanensen DM, Grundmann H. Epidemic of carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae in Europe is driven by nosocomial spread. Nat Microbiol. 2019 Nov;4(11):1919-1929. doi: 10.1038/s41564-019-0492-8. Epub 2019 Jul 29. PMID: 31358985; PMCID: PMC7244338.
  • Bitar I, Medvecky M, Gelbicova T, Jakubu V, Hrabak J, Zemlickova H, Karpiskova R, Dolejska M. Complete Nucleotide Sequences of mcr-4.3-Carrying Plasmids in Acinetobacter baumannii Sequence Type 345 of Human and Food Origin from the Czech Republic, the First Case in Europe. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2019 Sep 23;63(10):e01166-19. doi: 10.1128/AAC.01166-19. PMID: 31332072; PMCID: PMC6761559.
  • Cassini A, Högberg LD, Plachouras D, Quattrocchi A, Hoxha A, Simonsen GS, Colomb-Cotinat M, Kretzschmar ME, Devleesschauwer B, Cecchini M, Ouakrim DA, Oliveira TC, Struelens MJ, Suetens C, Monnet DL; Burden of AMR Collaborative Group. Attributable deaths and disability-adjusted life-years caused by infections with antibiotic-resistant bacteria in the EU and the European Economic Area in 2015: a population-level modelling analysis. Lancet Infect Dis. 2019 Jan;19(1):56-66. doi: 10.1016/S1473-3099(18)30605-4. Epub 2018 Nov 5. PMID: 30409683; PMCID: PMC6300481.


  • Pomorská K., Jakubů V., Zelendová M., Dolejská M., Žemličková H.: Záchyt plazmidy determinované rezistence ke kolistinu zprostředkované geny mcr v České republice. Zprávy CEM (SZÚ, Praha); 2018. 27(9): 219-222.
  • Hornychova H, Kacerovsky M, Musilova I, Pliskova L, Zemlickova H, Matejkova A, Vosmikova H, Rozkosova K, Cermakova P, Bolehovska R, Halada P, Jacobsson B, Laco J. Cervical human papillomavirus infection in women with preterm prelabor rupture of membranes. PLoS One 2018; 13: e0207896.
  • Day MJ, Spiteri G, Jacobsson S, Woodford N, Amato-Gauci AJ, Cole MJ, Unemo M; Euro-GASP network. Stably high azithromycin resistance and decreasing ceftriaxone susceptibility in Neisseria gonorrhoeae in 25 European countries, 2016. BMC Infect Dis. 2018 Dec 3;18(1):609. doi: 10.1186/s12879-018-3528-4. PMID: 30509194; PMCID: PMC6276195.
  • Kacerovsky M, Vlkova B, Musilova I, Andrys C, Pliskova L, Zemlickova H, Stranik J, Halada P, Jacobsson B, Celec P. Amniotic fluid cell-free DNA in preterm prelabor rupture of membranes. Prenat Diagn 2018; 38: 1086-1095.
  • Mališová L, Šafránková R, Kekláková J, Petráš P, Žemličková H, Jakubů V. Correct species identification (reclassification in CNCTC) of strains of Staphylococcus intermedius-group can improve an insight into their evolutionary history. Folia Microbiol 2018; 6: 1-6.
  • Paskova V, Medvecky M, Skalova A, Chudejova K, Bitar I, Jakubu V, Bergerova T, Zemlickova H, Papagiannitsis CC, Hrabak J. Characterization of NDM-Encoding Plasmids From Enterobacteriaceae Recovered From Czech Hospitals. Front Microbiol 2018; 9: 1549.
  • Žemličková H, Mališová L, Španělová P, Jakubů V, Kozáková J, Musílek M, Medvecký M, Papagiannitsis CC. Molecular characterization of serogroup 19 Streptococcus pneumoniae in the Czech Republic in the post-vaccine era. J Med Microbiol 2018; 67: 1003-1011.
  • Torumkuney D, Zemlickova H, Maruscak M, Morrissey I. Results from the Survey of Antibiotic Resistance (SOAR) 2014-16 in the Czech Republic. J Antimicrob Chemother 2018; 73(S5): v22-v27.
  • Papagiannitsis CC, Paskova V, Chudejova K, Medvecky M, Bitar I, Jakubu V, Zemlickova H, Jirsa R, Hrabak J. Characterization of pEncl-30969cz, a novel ColE1-like plasmid encoding VIM-1 carbapenemase, from an Enterobacter cloacae sequence type 92 isolate. Diagn Microbiol Infect Dis 2018; 91: 191-193.
  • Kukla R, Chudejova K, Papagiannitsis CC, Medvecky M, Habalova K, Hobzova L, Bolehovska R, Pliskova L, Hrabak J, Zemlickova H. Characterization of KPC-Encoding Plasmids from Enterobacteriaceae Isolated in a Czech Hospital. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2018; 62. pii: e02152-17.
  • Musilova I, Andrys C, Krejsek J, Drahosova M, Zednikova B, Pliskova L, Zemlickova H, Jacobsson B, Kacerovsky M. Amniotic fluid pentraxins: Potential early markers for identifying intra-amniotic inflammatory complications in preterm pre-labor rupture of membranes. Am J Reprod Immunol 2018; 79: e12789.
  • Musilova I, Andrys C, Drahosova M, Zednikova B, Hornychova H, Pliskova L, Zemlickova H, Jacobsson B, Kacerovsky M. Late preterm prelabor rupture of fetal membranes: fetal inflammatory response and neonatal outcome. Pediatr Res 2018; 83: 630-637.
  • Papagiannitsis CC, Medvecky M, Chudejova K, Skalova A, Rotova V, Spanelova P, Jakubu V, Zemlickova H, Hrabak J; Czech Participants of the European Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance Network. Molecular Characterization of Carbapenemase-Producing Pseudomonas aeruginosa of Czech Origin and Evidence for Clonal Spread of Extensively Resistant Sequence Type 357 Expressing IMP-7 Metallo-β-Lactamase. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2017; 61. pii: e01811-17.
  • Radocha J, Paterová P, Zavřelová A, Víšek B, Gabalec F, Žemličková H, Žák P. Viridans group streptococci bloodstream infections in neutropenic adult patients with hematologic malignancy: Single center experience. Folia Microbiol 2018; 63: 141-146.


  • Papagiannitsis C, Medvecký M, Chudějová K, Skálová A, Rotová V, Španělová P, Jakubů V, Žemličková H, Hrabák J. Molecular characterization of carbapenemase-producing Pseudomonas aeruginosa of Czech origin and evidence for clonal spread of extensively resistant sequence type 357 expressing IMP-7 metallo-beta-lactamase. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2017; 61: e01811-17.
  • Fajfr M, Louda M, Paterová P, Ryšková L, Pacovský J, Košina J, Žemličková H, Broďák M. The susceptibility to fosfomycin of Gram-negative bacteria isolates from urinary tract infection in the Czech Republic: data from a unicentric study.  BMC Urology 2017;17: 33.
  • Pulcini C, Tebano G, Mutters NT, Tacconelli E, Cambau E, Kahlmeter G, Jarlier V. Selective reporting of antibiotic susceptibility test results in European countries: an ESCMID cross-sectional survey. Int J Antimicrob Agents 2017; 10: 7-9.


  • Skálová A, Chudějová K, Rotová V, Medvecky M, Študentová V, Chudáčková E, Lavicka P, Bergerova T, Jakubu V, Zemlickova H, Papagiannitsis CC, Hrabák J. Molecular characterization of OXA-48-like-producing Enterobacteriaceae in the Czech Republic: evidence for horizontal transfer of pOXA-48-like plasmids. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2016 Nov 14. pii: AAC.01889-16.

  • Njamkepo E, Fawal N, Tran-Dien A, Hawkey J, Strockbine N, Jenkins C, Talukder KA, Bercion R, Kuleshov K, Kolínská R, Russell JE, Kaftyreva L, Accou-Demartin M, Karas A, Vandenberg O, Mather AE, Mason CJ, Page AJ, Ramamurthy T, Bizet C, Gamian A, Carle I, Sow AG, Bouchier C, Wester AL, Lejay-Collin M, Fonkoua MC, Hello SL, Blaser MJ, Jernberg C, Ruckly C, Mérens A, Page AL, Aslett M, Roggentin P, Fruth A, Denamur E, Venkatesan M, Bercovier H, Bodhidatta L, Chiou CS, Clermont D, Colonna B, Egorova S, Pazhani GP, Ezernitchi AV, Guigon G, Harris SR, Izumiya H, Korzeniowska-Kowal A, Lutyńska A, Gouali M, Grimont F, Langendorf C, Marejková M, Peterson LA, Perez-Perez G, Ngandjio A, Podkolzin A, Souche E, Makarova M, Shipulin GA, Ye C, Žemličková H, Herpay M, Grimont PA, Parkhill J, Sansonetti P, Holt KE, Brisse S, Thomson NR, Weill FX. Global phylogeography and evolutionary history of Shigella dysenteriae type 1. Nat Microbiol 2016; 1:16027. doi: 10.1038/nmicrobiol.2016.27.

  • Aanensen DM, Feil EJ, Holden MT, Dordel J, Yeats CA, Fedosejev A, Goater R, Castillo-Ramírez S, Corander J, Colijn C, Chlebowicz MA, Schouls L, Heck M, Pluister G, Ruimy R, Kahlmeter G, Åhman J, Matuschek E, Friedrich AW, Parkhill J, Bentley SD, Spratt BG, Grundmann H; European SRL Working Group. Whole-Genome Sequencing for Routine Pathogen Surveillance in Public Health: a Population Snapshot of Invasive Staphylococcus aureus in Europe. MBio 2016; 7. pii: e00444-16.

  • Navrátilová A, Nešuta O, Vančatová I, Čížek A, Varela-M RE, López-Abán J, Villa-Pulgarin JA, Mollinedo F, Muro A, Žemličková H, Kadlecová D, Šmejkal K. C-Geranylated flavonoids from Paulownia tomentosa fruits with antimicrobial potential and synergistic activity with antibiotics. Pharm Biol. 2016 Jan 20:1-10. doi: 10.3109/13880209.2015.1103755


  • Albiger B, Glasner C, Struelens MJ, Grundmann H, Monnet DL; European Survey of Carbapenemase-Producing Enterobacteriaceae (EuSCAPE) working group.Carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae in Europe: assessment by national experts from 38 countries, May 2015. Euro Surveill. 2015; 20: 30062.
  • Hrabák J, Študentová V, Adámková V, Šemberová L, Kabeliková P, Hedlová D, Čurdová M, Zemlickova H, Papagiannitsis CC. Report on a transborder spread of carbapenemase-producing bacteria by a patient injured during Euromaidan, Ukraine. New Microbes New Infect 2015; 8: 28-30. doi: 10.1016/j.nmni.2015.09.005.
  • Hrabák J, Študentová V, Jakubů V, Adámková V, Dvořáková L, Balejova M, Bergerová T, Chmelařová E, Ježek P, Kabelíková P, Kolář M, Paterová P, Tejkalová R, Papagiannitsis C, Žemličková H. Prevalence study on carbapenemase-producing Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates in Czech hospitals-results from Czech Part of European Survey on Carbapenemase–Producing Enterobacteriaceae (EuSCAPE). Epidemiol Mikrobiol Imunol 2015; 64: 87-91.
  • Glasner C, Pluister G, Westh H, Arends JP, Empel J, Giles E, Laurent F, Layer F, Marstein L, Matussek A, Mellmann A, Pérez-Vásquez M, Ungvári E, Yan X, Žemličková H, Grundmann H, van Dijl JM. Staphylococcus aureus spa type t437: identification of the most dominant community-associated clone from Asia across Europe. Clin Microbiol Infect 2015; 21: 163.e1-8.
  • Papagiannitsis CC, Studentová V, Jakubů V, Spanělová P, Urbášková P, Zemličková H, Hrabák J. High Prevalence of ST131 Among CTX-M-Producing Escherichia coli from Community-Acquired Infections, in the Czech Republic. Microb Drug Resist 2015; 21: 74-84.
  • Kolínská R, Spanělová P, Dřevínek M, Hrabák J, Zemličková H. Species identification of strains belonging to genus Citrobacter using the biochemical method and MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry. Folia Microbiol 2015; 60: 53-59.
  • Jakubů V., Zavadilová J., Fabiánová K., Urbášková P. Minimum  inhibitory concentrations of erythromycin and other antibiotics for Czech strains of Bordetella pertussis. Epidemiol Mikrobiol Imunol 2013; 62: 43-49


  • Grundmann H, Schouls LM, Aanensen DM, Pluister GN, Tami A, Chlebowicz M, Glasner C, Sabat AJ, Weist K, Heuer O, Friedrich AW; ESCMID Study Group on Molecular Epidemiological Markers; European Staphylococcal Reference Laboratory Working Group The dynamic changes of dominant clones of Staphylococcus aureus causing bloodstream infections in the European region: results of a second structured survey. Euro Surveill 2014; 19: 20987.
  • Žemličková H, Jakubů V, Marejková M, Urbášková P. Rezistence k erytromycinu, ciprofloxacinu a tetracyklinu u humánních izolátů Campylobacter spp. v České republice, vyšetřená standardní metodou EUCAST. Epidemiol Mikrobiol Imunol 2014; 63: 184-190.
  • Trojánek M, Dědičová D, Zemličková H, Jakubů V, Malíková E, Reisingerová M, Gabrielová A, Papagiannitsis CC, Hrabák J, Horová B, Urbášková P, Marešová V, Stejskal F. Enteric fever imported to the Czech Republic: epidemiology, clinical characteristics and antimicrobial susceptibility. Folia Microbiol 2014. doi. 10.1007/s12223-014-0348-9. Epub Nov 14.
  • Earnshaw S, Mancarella G, Mendez A, Todorova B, Magiorakos AP, Possenti E, Stryk M, Gilbro S, Goossens H, Albiger B, Monnet DL; European Antibiotic Awareness Day Technical Advisory Committee; European Antibiotic Awareness Day Collaborative Group. European antibiotic awareness day: a five-year perspective of Europe-wide actions to promote prudent use of antibiotic. Euro Surveill 2014; 19: 20928.
  • Papagiannitsis CC, Studentová V, Jakubů V, Spanělová P, Urbášková P, Zemličková H, Hrabák J. High Prevalence of ST131 Among CTX-M-Producing Escherichia coli from Community-Acquired Infections, in the Czech Republic. Microb Drug Resist 2014 Sep 4. [Epub ahead of print]


  • Žemličková Helena, Dědičová Daniela, Jakubů Vladislav, Mach Jakub, Kolínská Renata, Malíková Eliška, Urbášková Pavla, členové Pracovní skupiny pro monitorování rezistence. Antibiotická rezistence u netyfových sérovarů Salmonella spp. v České republice. Epidemiol Mikrobiol Imunol 2013; 62: 43-49.
  • Hrabák J, Papagiannitsis CC, Študentová V, Jakubu V, Fridrichová M, Zemlickova H; Czech Participants of European Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance Network. Carbapenemase-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae in the Czech Republic in 2011. Euro Surveill 2013; 18: 20626.
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  • Vančíková Z, Trojánek M, Zemličková H, Blechová Z, Motlová J, Matějková J, Nyč O, John J, Malý M, Marešová V. Pneumococcal urinary antigen positivity in healthy colonized children: is it age dependent? Wien Klin Wochenschr 2013;125: 495-500.
  • Papagiannitsis CC, Studentová V, Hrabák J, Kubele J, Jindrák V, Zemlicková H. Isolation from a nonclinical sample of Leclercia adecarboxylata producing a VIM-1 metallo-β-lactamase. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2013; 57: 2896-2897.
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  • Hrabák J, Studentová V, Walková R, Zemlicková H, Jakubu V, Chudácková E, Gniadkowski M, Pfeifer Y, Perry JD, Wilkinson K, Bergerová T. Detection of NDM-1, VIM-1, KPC, OXA-48, and OXA-162 carbapenemases by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry. J Clin Microbiol 2012 May 2. doi:10.1128/JCM.01002-12.
  • Hrabák J, Stolbová M, Studentová V, Fridrichová M, Chudáčková E, Zemlickova H. NDM-1 producing Acinetobacter baumannii isolated from a patient repatriated to The Czech Republic from Egypt, July 2011. Euro Surveill. 2012 Feb 16;17(7). pii: 20085.


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  • Hrabák J, Žemličková H, Bergerová T. Urbášková P. Interpretation of the susceptibility test results in Enterobacteria producing 3rd and 4th generation cephalosporin- or carbapenem-hydrolyzing β-lactamases. Epidemiol Mikrobiol Imunol 2011; 60: 4-9.