Publikace k výzkumným aktivitám SZÚ za rok 2020
ANDREI, L., KASAS, S., OCHOA GARRIDO, I., STANKOVIĆ, T., SUÁREZ KORSNES, M., VACLAVIKOVA, R., ASSARAF, Y.G., PEŠIĆ, M. Advanced technological tools to study multidrug resistance in cancer. Drug Resistance Updates. 2020, 48, 100658. ISSN 1368-7646.
BEETON, M.L., ZHANG, X.S., ULDUM, S.A., BEBEAR, C., DUMKE, R., GULLSBY, K., IEVEN, M., LOENS, K., NIR-PAZ, R., PEREYRE, S., SPILLER, O.B., CHALKER, V.J.; ESCMID STUDY GROUP FOR MYCOPLASMA AND CHLAMYDIA INFECTIONS, HAVLÍČKOVÁ, M., KYNČL, J. Mycoplasma pneumoniae infections, 11 countries in Europe and Israel, 2011 to 2016. Euro Surveillance. 2020, 25(2), 39-51. ISSN 1025-496X.
BIELASZEWSKA, M., DANIEL, O., KARCH, H., MELLMANN, A. Dissemination of the bla(CTX-M-15) gene among Enterobacteriaceae via outer membrane vesicles. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy. 2020, 75(9), 2442-2451. ISSN 0305-7453.
BROŽ, J., MALINOVSKÁ, J., NUNES, M.A., KUČERA, K., ROŽEKOVÁ, K., ŽEJGLICOVÁ, K., URBANOVÁ, J., JENŠOVSKÝ, M., BRABEC, M., LUSTIGOVÁ, M. Prevalence of diabetes and prediabetes and its risk factors in adults aged 25-64 in the Czech Republic: a cross-sectional study. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice. 2020, 170, 108470. ISSN 0168-8227.
CAMPA, D., GENTILUOMO, M., OBAZEE, O., BALLERINI, A., VODICKOVA, L., HEGYI, P., SOUCEK, P., BRENNER, H., MILANETTO, A.C., LANDI, S.,… HLAVAC, V. et al. Genome-wide association study identifies an early onset pancreatic cancer risk locus. International Journal of Cancer. 2020, 147(8), 2065-2074. ISSN 0020-7136.
ČERMÁKOVÁ, P., PIKHART, H., KUBÍNOVÁ, R., BOBAK, M. Education as inefficient resource against depressive symptoms in the Czech Republic: cross-sectional analysis of the HAPIEE study. European Journal of Public Health. 2020, 33(5), 948-952. ISSN 1101-1262.
CERMAKOVA, P., PIKHART, H., RUIZ, M.A., KUBINOVA, R., BOBAK, M. Socioeconomic position in childhood and depressive symptoms in later adulthood in the Czech Republic. Journal of Affective Disorders. 2020, 272, 17-23. ISSN 0165-0327.
ČERNÁ, M., PINKR GRAFNETTEROVÁ, A., DVOŘÁKOVÁ, D., PULKRABOVÁ, J., MALÝ, M., JANOŠ, T., VODRÁŽKOVÁ, N., TUPÁ, Z., PUKLOVÁ, V. Biomonitoring of PFOA, PFOS and PFNA in human milk from Czech Republic, time trends and estimation of infant’s daily intake. Environmental Research. 2020, 188, 109763. ISSN 0013-9351.
DE RUYCK, K., HUYBRECHTS, I., YANG, S., ARCELLA, D., CLAEYS, L., ABBEDDOU, S., DE KEYZER, W., DE VRIES, J., OCKÉ, M.C., RUPRICH, J., DE BOEVRE, M., DE SAEGER, S. Mycotoxin exposure assessments in a multi-center European validation study by 24-hour dietary recall and biological fluid sampling. Environment International. 2020, 137, UNSP 105539. ISSN 0160-4120.
DOBIASOVÁ, S., ŘEHOŘOVÁ, K., KUČEROVÁ, D., BIEDERMANN, D., KÁŇOVÁ, K., PETRÁSKOVÁ, L., KOUCKÁ, K., VÁCLAVÍKOVÁ, R., VALENTOVÁ, K., RUML, T., MACEK, T., KŘEN, V., VIKTOROVÁ, J. Multidrug resistance modulation activity of silybin derivatives and their anti-inflammatory potential. Antioxidants. 2020, 9(5), 455. ISSN 2076-3921.
DVOŘÁKOVÁ, M., KEJLOVÁ, K., BĚLASTOVÁ, L., RUCKI, M., CHRZ, J., JÍROVÁ, D. Safety of consumer products assessed by a combination of novel bioassays. Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology. 2020, 126(Suppl. 5), 11. ISSN 1742-7835.
EVLAMPIDOU, I., FONT-RIBERA, L., ROJAS-RUEDA, D., GRACIA-LAVEDAN, E., COSTET, N., PEARCE, N., VINEIS, P., JAAKKOLA, J.J.K., DELLOYE, F., MAKRIS, K.C., STEPHANOU, E.G., KARGAKI, S., KOZISEK, F., SIGSGAARD, T., HANSEN, B., et al. Trihalomethanes in drinking water and bladder cancer burden in the European Union. Environmental Health Perspectives. 2020, 128(1), 017001. ISSN 0091-6765.
HLAVÁČ, V., DVOŘÁK, P., SOUČEK, P. 5 ‘ untranslated region elements show high abundance and great variability in homologous ABCA subfamily genes. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2020, 21(22), 8878. ISSN 1422-0067.
HLAVÁČ, V., HOLÝ, P., SOUČEK, P. Pharmacogenomics to predict tumor therapy response: a focus on ATP-binding cassette transporters and cytochromes P450. Journal of Personalized Medicine. 2020, 10(3), 108. ISSN 2075-4426.
HLAVÁČ, V., VÁCLAVÍKOVÁ, R., BRYNYCHOVÁ, V., KOŽEVNIKOVOVÁ, R., KOPEČKOVÁ, K., VRÁNA, D., GATĚK, J., SOUČEK, P. Role of genetic variation in ABC transporters in breast cancer prognosis and therapy response. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2020, 21(24), 9556. ISSN 1422-0067.
HLAVAC, V., MOHELNIKOVA-DUCHONOVA, B., LOVECEK, M., EHRMANN, J.; BRYNYCHOVA, V., KOLAROVA, K., SOUCEK, P. Targeted sequencing of pancreatic adenocarcinomas from patients with metachronous pulmonary metastases. Genes. 2020, 11(12), 1391. ISSN 2073-4425.
HLUSICKA, J., MANA, J., VANECKOVA, M., KOTIKOVA, K., DIBLIK, P., URBAN, P., NAVRATIL, T., MARECHAL, B., KOBER, T., ZAKHAROV, S. MRI-based brain volumetry and retinal optical coherence tomography as the biomarkers of outcome in acute methanol poisoning. Neurotoxicology. 2020, 80, 12-19. ISSN 0161-813X.
HŮNOVÁ, I., BRABEC, M., MALÝ, M., VALERIÁNOVÁ, A. Long-term trends in fog occurrence in the Czech Republic, Central Europe. Science of the Total Environment. 2020, 711, 135018. ISSN 0048-9697.
HŮNOVÁ, I., BRABEC, M., MALÝ, M. Trends in ambient O-3 concentrations at twelve sites in the Czech Republic over the past three decades: close inspection of development. Science of the Total Environment. 2020, 746, 141038. ISSN 0048-9697.
IARC MONOGRAPHS VOL 125 GROUP; MRÁZ, J. et al. Carcinogenicity of some industrial chemical intermediates and solvents. Lancet Oncology. 2020, 21(1), 25-26. ISSN 1470-2045.
KEJLOVÁ, K., BENDOVÁ, H., CHRZ, J., DVOŘÁKOVÁ, M., SVOBODOVÁ, L., VLKOVÁ, A., KUBÁČ, L., KOŘÍNKOVÁ, R., ČERNÝ, J., OČADLÍKOVÁ, D., RUCKI, M., HEINONEN, T., JÍROVÁ, D., LETAŠIOVÁ, S., KANDAROVA, H., KOLÁŘOVÁ, H. Toxicological testing of a photoactive phthalocyanine-based antimicrobial substance. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology. 2020, 115, 104685. ISSN 0273-2300.
KLOUDOVA-SPALENKOVA, A., UENG, Y.F., WEI, S., KOPECKOVA, K., GUENGERICH, F.P., SOUCEK, P. Plasma oxysterol levels in luminal subtype breast cancer patients are associated with clinical data. Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 2020, 197, 105566. ISSN 0960-0760.
KOMENDA, M., BULHART, V., KAROLYI, M., JARKOVSKÝ, J., MUŽÍK, J., MÁJEK, O., ŠNAJDROVÁ, L., RŮŽIČKOVÁ, P., RÁŽOVÁ, J., PRYMULA, R., MACKOVÁ, B., BŘEZOVSKÝ, P., MAROUNEK, J., ČERNÝ, V., DUŠEK, L. Complex reporting of the COVID-19 epidemic in the Czech Republic: use of an interactive web-based app in practice. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 2020, 22(5), e19367. ISSN 1438-8871.
KOZÁKOVÁ, J., HONSKUS, M., OKONJI, Z. Implementace a využití metody sekvenace celého genomu (WGS) v surveillance invazivního pneumokokového onemocnění, Česká republika, 2017–2019. Epidemiologie, mikrobiologie, imunologie. 2020, 69(3), 134-141. ISSN 1210-7913.
KOŽÍŠEK, F. Regulations for calcium, magnesium or hardness in drinking water in the European Union member states. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology. 2020, 112, UNSP 104589. ISSN 0273-2300.
KUKLA, R., BOLEHOVSKÁ, R., RADOCHA, J., PLÍŠKOVÁ, L., ŽÁK, P., VRBACKÝ, F., NEKVINDOVÁ, J., ŽEMLIČKOVÁ, H. Improved laboratory diagnostics of Streptococcus pneumoniae in respiratory tract samples through qPCR. New Microbiologica. 2020, 43(2), 70-77. ISSN 1121-7138.
KUKLA, R., SVARC, M., BOLEHOVSKA, R., RYSKOVA, L., PATEROVA, P., FAJFR, M., MALISOVA, L., ZEMLICKOVA, H. Isolation of Bordetella trematum from the respiratory tract of a patient with lung cancer: a case report. Folia Microbiologica. 2020, 65(3), 623-627. ISSN 0015-5632.
KULMA, M., TŮMOVÁ, V., FIALOVÁ, A., KOUŘIMSKÁ, L. Insect consumption in the Czech Republic: what the eye does not see, the heart does not grieve over. Journal of Insects as Food and Feed. 2020, 6(5), 525-535. ISSN 2352-4588.
LINA, B., GEORGES, A., BURTSEVA, E., NUNES, M.C., ANDREW, M.K., MCNEIL, S., RUIZ-PALACIOS, G.M., FENG, L., KYNCL, J., VANHEMS, P., ORTIZ, J.R., PAGET, J., REINER, R.C. Complicated hospitalization due to influenza: results from the Global Hospital Influenza Network for the 2017-2018 season. BMC Infectious Diseases. 2020, 20(1), 465. ISSN 1471-2334.
LU, W., PIKHART, H., PEASEY, A., KUBINOVA, R., PITMAN, A., BOBAK, M. Risk of depressive symptoms before and after the first hospitalisation for cancer: evidence from a 16-year cohort study in the Czech Republic. Journal of Affective Disorders. 2020, 276, 76-83. ISSN 0165-0327.
LUNA, E., RUIZ, M.A., MALYUTINA, S., TITARENKO, A., KOZELA, M., PAJAK, A., KUBINOVA, R., BOBAK, M. The prospective association between frequency of contact with friends and relatives and quality of life in older adults from Central and Eastern Europe. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology. 2020, 55(8), 1001-1010. ISSN 0933-7954.
MALIŠOVÁ, L., JAKUBŮ, V., MUSÍLEK, M., KEKLÁKOVÁ, J., ŽEMLIČKOVÁ, H. Phenotype and genotype characteristics of Staphylococcus aureus resistant to methicillin/oxacillin carrying gene mecC in the Czech Republic from 2002 to 2017. Microbial Drug Resistance. 2020, 26(8), 918-923. ISSN 1076-6294.
MASSMANN, R., ZAVADILOVÁ, J., DROZENOVÁ, J., FIKSA, D., SMÍŠKOVÁ, D. Septicemia in an immunocompetent adult in the Czech Republic caused by Corynebacterium diphtheriae nontoxigenic strain biotype mitis: emergence of invasive cases in Western Europe. Brazilian Journal of Infectious Diseases. 2020, 24(1), 89-91. ISSN 1413-8670.
MELIDOU, A., HUNGNES, O., PEREYASLOV, D., ADLHOCH, C., SEGALOFF, H., ROBESYN, E., PENTTINEN, P., OLSEN, S.J.; EUROPEAN REGION INFLUENZA SURVEILLANCE NETWORK, NAGY, A. Predominance of influenza virus A(H3N2) 3C.2a1b and A(H1N1)pdm09 6B.1A5A genetic subclades in the WHO European Region, 2018-2019. Vaccine. 2020, 38(35), 5707-5717. ISSN 0264-410X.
MERTENS, E., BIESBROEK, S., DOFKOVÁ, M., MISTURA, L., D’ADDEZIO, L., TURRINI, A., DUBUISSON, C., HAVARD, S., TROLLE, E., GELEIJNSE, J.M., VAN’T VEER, P. Potential impact of meat replacers on nutrient quality and greenhouse gas emissions of diets in four European countries. Sustainability. 2020, 12, 6838. ISSN 2071-1050.
MOULISOVÁ, V., JIŘÍK, M., SCHINDLER, C., ČERVENKOVÁ, L., PÁLEK, R., ROSENDORF, J., ARLT, J., BOLEK, L., ŠŮSOVÁ, S., NIETZSCHE, S., LIŠKA, V., DAHMEN, U. Novel morphological multi-scale evaluation system for quality assessment of decellularized liver scaffolds. Journal of Tissue Engineering. 2020, 11, 2041731420921121. ISSN 2041-7314.
MRÁZ, J., HANZLÍKOVÁ, I., DUŠKOVÁ, Š., TVRDÍKOVÁ, M., LINHART, I. N-(2-Hydroxyethyl)-L-valyl-L-leucine: a novel urinary biomarker of ethylene oxide exposure in humans. Toxicology Letters. 2020, 326, 18-22. ISSN 0378-4274.
MUSUTOVA, M., WEISZENSTEIN, M., KOC, M., POLAK, J. Intermittent hypoxia stimulates lipolysis, but inhibits differentiation and de novo lipogenesis in 3T3-L1 cells. Metabolic Syndrome and Related Disorders. 2020, 18(3), 146-153. ISSN 1540-4196.
NEKVINDOVÁ, J., MRKVICOVÁ, A., ZUBANOVÁ, V., HYRŠLOVÁ VACULOVÁ, A., ANZENBACHER, P., SOUČEK, PAVEL, RADOVÁ, L., SLABÝ, O., KISS, I., VONDRÁČEK, J., ŠPIČÁKOVÁ, A., BOHOVICOVÁ, L., FABIAN, P., KALA, Z., PALIČKA, V. Hepatocellular carcinoma: gene expression profiling and regulation of xenobiotic-metabolizing cytochromes P450. Biochemical Pharmacology. 2020, 177, 113912. ISSN 0006-2952.
NERADOVÁ, K., FRIDRICHOVÁ, M., JAKUBŮ, V., POMORSKÁ, K., ŽEMLIČKOVÁ, H. Epidemiological characteristics of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus isolates from bloodstream cultures at University Hospital in the Czech Republic. Folia Microbiologica. 2020, 65(3), 615-622. ISSN 0015-5632.
NERADOVA, K., JAKUBU, V., POMORSKA, K., ZEMLICKOVA, H. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in veterinary professionals in 2017 in the Czech Republic. BMC Veterinary Research. 2020, 16(1), 4. ISSN 1746-6148.
OSTRY, V., DOFKOVA, M., BLAHOVA, J., MALIR, F., KAVRIK, R., REHURKOVA, I., RUPRICH, J. Dietary exposure assessment of sum deoxynivalenol forms, sum T-2/HT-2 toxins and zearalenone from cereal-based foods and beer. Food and Chemical Toxicology. 2020, 139, 111280. ISSN 0278-6915.
PAGET, J., CAINI, S., COWLING, BJ., ESPOSITO, S., FALSEY, A.R., GENTILE, A., KYNCL, J., MACINTYRE, R.C., PITMAN, R., LINA, B. The impact of influenza vaccination on the COVID-19 pandemic? Evidence and lessons for public health policies. Vaccine. 2020, 38(42), 6485-6486. ISSN 0264-410X.
PASKOVA, V., CHUDEJOVA, K., SRAMKOVA, A., KRAFTOVA, L., JAKUBU, V., PETINAKI, E.A., ZEMLICKOVA, H., NERADOVA, K., PAPAGIANNITSIS, C., HRABAK, J. Insufficient repeatability and reproducibility of MALDI-TOF MS-based identification of MRSA. Folia Microbiologica. 2020, 65(5), 895-900. ISSN 0015-5632.
PATEROVA, P., RADOCHA, J., BUCHTA, V., ZAVRELOVA, A., MALAKOVA, J., ZAK, P., ZEMLICKOVA, H. Is it possible to shorten serum bactericidal testing? Journal of Microbiological Methods. 2020, 168, 105775. ISSN 0167-7012.
PAVLÍK, V., ŠAFKA, V., PRAVDOVÁ, L., URBAN, M., LAŠÁK, P., TUČEK, M. Comparison of selected risk factors in cardiovascular diseases in two different populations of the Czech Republic. Central European Journal of Public Health. 2020, 28(Suppl.), 47-52. ISSN 1210-7778.
PETROVSKÝ, E., KAPIČKA, A., GRISON, H., KOTLÍK, B., MITUROVÁ, H. Negative correlation between concentration of iron oxides and particulate matter in atmospheric dust: case study at industrial site during smoggy period. Environmental Sciences Europe. 2020, 32(1), 134. ISSN 2190-4707.
PICKOVA, D., OSTRY, V., MALIR, J., TOMAN, J., MALIR, F. A review on mycotoxins and microfungi in spices in the light of the last five years. Toxins. 2020, 12(12), 789. ISSN 2072-6651.
PICKOVA, D., OSTRY, V., TOMAN, J., MALIR, F. Presence of mycotoxins in milk thistle (Silybum marianum) food supplements: a review. Toxins. 2020, 12(12), 782. ISSN 2072-6651.
ROUBALOVÁ, K., NĚMEČKOVÁ, Š., KRYŠTOFOVÁ, J., HAINZ, P., PUMANNOVÁ, M., HAMŠÍKOVÁ, E. Antigenic competition in the generation of multi-virus-specific cell lines for immunotherapy of human cytomegalovirus, polyomavirus BK, Epstein-Barr virus and adenovirus infection in haematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients. Immunology Letters. 2020, 228, 64-69. ISSN 0165-2478.
RUDOLF, I., BLAŽEJOVÁ, H., MENDEL, J., STRAKOVÁ, P., ŠEBESTA, O., RETTICH, F., ČABANOVÁ, V., MITERPÁKOVÁ, M., BETÁŠOVÁ, L., PEŠKO, J., BARBUŠINOVÁ, E., MCKEE, C., OSIKOWICZ, L., ŠIKUTOVÁ, S., HUBÁLEK, Z., KOSOY, M. Bartonella species in medically important mosquitoes, Central Europe. Parasitology Research. 2020, 119(8), 2713-2717. ISSN 0932-0113.
RUETER, C., BIELASZEWSKA, M. Secretion and delivery of intestinal pathogenic Escherichia coli virulence factors via outer membrane vesicles. Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology. 2020, 10, 91. ISSN 2235-2988.
ŘEHULKA, J., MAREJKOVÁ, M., PETRÁŠ, P. Staphylococcal infections of freshwater fishes in Czech Republic. Bulletin of the European Association of Fish Pathologists. 2020, 40(5), 189-198. ISSN 0108-0288.
SPRONG, C., CRÉPET, A., METRUCCIO, F., BLAZNIK, U., ANAGNOSTOPOULOS, C., CHRISTODOULOU, D.L., JENSEN, B.H., KENNEDY, M., GONZÁLEZ, N., REHURKOVA, I., RUPRICH, J., TE BIESEBEEK, J.D., VANACKER, M., MORETTO, A., VAN KLAVEREN, J. Cumulative dietary risk assessment overarching different regulatory silos using a margin of exposure approach: a case study with three chemical silos. Food and Chemical Toxicology. 2020, 142, 111416. ISSN 0278-6915.
SVOBODOVA, L., DVORAKOVA, M., RUCKI, M., KEJLOVA, K., KANDAROVA, H., KOLAROVA, H., MANNERSTROM, M., HEINONEN, T. Safety testing of adult novelties using in vitro methods. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology. 2020, 117, 104780. ISSN 0273-2300.
SIPEK, A., GREGOR, V., HORACEK, J., KLASCHKA, J., MALY, M., SIPEK, A. Jr. Decreasing incidence of the anencephaly in the Czech Republic: long-term population-based study. Birth Defects Research. 2020, 112(11), 860. ISSN 2472-1727.
SIPEK, A. Jr., GREGOR, V., KLASCHKA, J., MALY, M., SIPEK, A. Higher incidence of congenital anomalies in children born after assisted reproduction in the Czech Republic: population based study. European Journal of Human Genetics. 2020, 28 (Suppl.1), 148-149. ISSN 1018-4813.
SIPEK, A., GREGOR, V., SIPEK, A. Jr., KLASCHKA, J., MALY, M., JIROVA, J. Incidence of anencephaly in the Czech Republic: long-term population based study. European Journal of Human Genetics. 2020, 28 (Suppl.1), 972. ISSN 1018-4813.
SIPEK, A. Jr., GREGOR, V., KLASCHKA, J., MALY, M., SIPEK, A. Increased incidence of congenital anomalies in children born after assisted reproduction in the Czech Republic: population based study. Birth Defects Research. 2020, 112(11), 860-861. ISSN 2472-1727.
SPANELOVA, P., JAKUBU, V., MALISOVA, L., MUSILEK, M., KOZAKOVA, J., PAPAGIANNITSIS, C., BITAR, I., HRABAK, J., PANTOSTI, A., DEL GROSSO, M., ZEMLICKOVA, H. Whole genome sequencing of macrolide resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae serotype 19A sequence type 416. BMC Microbiology. 2020, 20(1), 224. ISSN 1471-2180.
TILLMANN, T., LÄLL, K., DUKES, O., VERONESI, G., PIKHART, H., PEASEY, A., KUBINOVA, R., KOZELA, M., PAJAK, A., NIKITIN, Y., MALYUTINA, S., METSPALU, A., ESKO, T., FISCHER, K., KIVIMAKI, M., BOBAK, M. Develepment and validation of two SCORE-based cardiovascular risk prediction models for Eastern Europe: a multicohort study. European Heart Journal. 2020, 41(35), 3325-3333. ISSN 0195-668X.
TOMASOVA, K., CUMOVA, A., SEBOROVA, K., HORAK, J., KOUCKA, K., VODICKOVA, L., VACLAVIKOVA, R., VODICKA, P. DNA repair and ovarian carcinogenesis: impact on risk, prognosis and therapy outcome. Cancers. 2020, 12(7), 1713. ISSN 2072-6694.
TUČEK, M., BUŠOVÁ, M., ČEJCHANOVÁ, M., SCHLENKER, A., KAPITÁN, M. Exposure to mercury from dental amalgam: actual contribution for risk assessment. Central European Journal of Public Health. 2020, 28(1), 40-43. ISSN 1210-7778.
VENEROVÁ, J., FIALOVÁ, B., BRABCOVÁ, J., MALÝ, M., JIRKOVSKÁ, J., SOLAŘ, S., ZAVORAL, M. Flash Glucose Monitoring in adults with T1D: engagement needed from both patients and clinicians. Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics. 2020, 22(Suppl. 1), A144. ISSN 1520-9156.
VRBOVÁ, E., MIKALOVÁ, L., GRILLOVÁ, L., POSPÍŠILOVÁ, P., STRNADEL, R., DASTYCHOVÁ, E., KOJANOVÁ, M., KREIDLOVÁ, M., VAŇOUSOVÁ, D., ROB, F., PROCHÁZKA, P., KRCHŇÁKOVÁ, A., VAŠKŮ, V., WOZNICOVÁ, V., DVOŘÁKOVÁ HEROLDOVÁ, M., KUKLOVÁ, I., ZÁKOUCKÁ, H., ŠMAJS, D. A retrospective study on nested PCR detection of syphilis treponemes in clinical samples: PCR detection contributes to the diagnosis of syphilis in patients with seronegative and serodiscrepant results. PLoS One. 2020, 15(8), e0237949. ISSN 1932-6203.
VYMETALKOVA, V., ROSA, F., SUSOVA, S., BENDOVA, P., LEVY, M., BUCHLER, T., KRAL, J., BARTU, L., VODICKOVA, L., HUGHES, D.J., SOUCEK, P., NACCARATI, A., KUMAR, R., VODICKA, P., PARDINI, B. Expression quantitative trait loci in ABC transporters are associated with survival in 5-FU treated colorectal cancer patients. Mutagenesis. 2020, 35(3), 273-281. ISSN 0267-8357.
WAREING, B., KOLLE, S.N.E., NATSCH, A., ALEPÉE, N., BIRK, B., HAUPT, T., KATHAWALA, R., KERN, P., NARDELLI, L., RAABE, H., RUCKI, M., RYAN, C., VERKAART, S., WESTERINK, W., LANDSIEDEL, R. The kinetic Direct Peptide Reactivity Assay (kDPRA): an in chemico method to characterize the skin sensitization potency of chemicals. Naunyn-Schmiedeberg’s Archives of Pharmacology. 2020, 393(Suppl. 1), 89. ISSN 0028-1298.
WAREING, B., KOLLE, S.N.E., BIRK, B., ALEPÉE, N., HAUPT, T., KATHAWALA, R., KERN, P., NARDELLI, L., RAABE, H., RUCKI, M., RYAN, C., VERKAART, S., WESTERINK, W., LANDSIEDEL, R., NATSCH, A. The kinetic direct peptide reactivity assay (kDPRA): intra- and inter-laboratory reproducibility in a seven-laboratory ring trial. ALTEX. 2020, 37(4), 639-651. ISSN 1868-596X.
ZEMLICKOVA, H., JAKUBU, V., FRIDRICHOVA, M., MALISOVA, L., MUSILEK, M., TROJANEK, M. The association of pili with the emergence and replacement of the major antibiotic resistant pneumococcal clones. Journal of Microbiology Immunology and Infection. 2020, 53(5), 690-695. ISSN 1684-1182.